One day a lady walked into our store and came across an old baker’s cabinet that she said was perfect… but it was the wrong color… and the wrong size… and didn’t function. Although she loved the piece, it was just not going to work for what she needed.

Thankfully we were able to talk with her about the piece and what she needed out of it, and she was able to see the vision. We were able to add to the length of the cabinet, reduce the depth, and get all of it functioning well. It was a little tricky to retro fit the self closing glides onto the large bellied bottom drawer, but we made it work! We changed the color of the piece for her, without losing the affect of the old look she wanted to have with it.

We love to do rustic and primitive pieces, and do it very well. However, we also strive to make our pieces function with all the modern conveniences available today. You no longer have to wrestle with the drawer to open or close it, nor have to worry about slammed cabinet doors. Your piece will still look like its authentic self, but be fully functioning.
